Dialogical Foundation of the Publicist’S Communicative Ethics: Dialogical Levels of the “Communicative Pyramid”


  • Tetiana Khomenko Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine, Lviv, Henerala Chuprynky Street 49, Lviv, Ukraine


personality, dialogical levels, dialogue, journalism, communication


The author discusses important issues of the dialogical essence of thinking and internal dialo-gism in the moral and ethical journalism. Choosing everyone’ ability of monologic revelation as thestarting point of her study, the author concludes that these revelations are a kind of reconsideringhistorical, personal and interpersonal shifts that lead to the desire to learn the truth, to harmonize thevision and understanding of a situation with someone else’s viewpoint. In search for the truth, boththe publicist and the audience –together or separately – cross different levels of a dialogue as it ispresented by the “communicative pyramid” as a model of dialogical communication and the forma-tion of the personality.


