It-Related Anglicisms in der Spiegel: A Semantic Analysis


  • Agnieszka Czech-Rogoyska MA. PhD student in the field of Linguistics. German language teacher at the University of Rzeszów and University of Information Technology in Rzeszów, Poland
  • Magdalena Krawiec PhD student in the field of Linguistics. English language teacher at the University of Rzeszów, Poland


Anglicism, German, English, der Spiegel, IT, Technology


The paper endeavours to semantically scrutinize anglicisms in Der Spiegel in the specialistfield of IT. It was attempted to establish if, and to what extent, the anglicisms alter their meaning inthe borrowing process. The article focuses on randomly selected anglicisms in IT-related texts inDer Spiegel, for both the newspaper and the domain are deemed to have been the most prolific interms of English borrowings. The objective of this comparative study is to arrive at certain generaltendencies governing the semantic treatment of English words in German. The paper constitutesmerely an excerpt from the research on IT-related anglicisms, and may well serve as a basis for fur-ther research, on the grounds that alongside the development of ICT, languages need new names forconcepts. Therefore, it is by all means prudent and instructive to delve into the tendencies governingthe way anglicisms permeate into the German language.


