Dispute about Public Relations - Between Social and Marketing Communication


  • Sławomir Gawroński Associate Professor in Chair of Media, Journalism and Public Relations. Mass media and political scientist. Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland
  • Roland Jakubowski University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów,




public relations, marketing communication, social communication


Ever since the Kotler’s promotion-mix concept based on the most traditional model of four pil-lars - advertising, public relations, sales promotion and direct sales has become commonly known,PR has been treated as one of many, typically marketing, impact tools. This perception is particularlycharacteristic for the science of marketing management and publication. Meanwhile, it is often for-gotten that public relations is the management of communication, which may be used in marketingcommunication, however it is a much broader meaningful concept, giving greater perspectives ofuse. This article refers to defining a place of public relations between two asymmetric areas of com-munication - social and marketing one. Basing on literature analysis, the authors define key factorsdifferentiating both perspectives, they also evaluate the proposals for introducing new concepts intothe media and communication terminology, indicating the distinctiveness of both conceptual cate-gories.


