Using the New Media by Companies From the Sme Sector in Podkarpackie Province


  • Justyna Masłyk University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów,



new media, social media, Internet, employer branding, Facebook, LinkedIn, Goldenline


The main purpose of this article is to present the results of research concerning the use ofsocial media by companies from the SME sector in Podkarpackie Province. The article includes dataobtained in the first stage of the study, which is a part of a research project on the use of social mediain the area of creating the image of an organization / company as an employer.The survey coveredthe entire population of companies from the SME sector, which are registered in Podkarpackie Prov-ince (REGON database). The research phase, the results of which are presented in this article, mainlyinvolved the analysis of data on companies from the SME sector in Podkarpackie Province in termsof their presence on the Internet (having an individual website, having company profiles on selectedsocial networks).The results of the first stage of the study confirm that the companies see the potential of theonline presence / functioning in social media (more and more companies have their own website,Facebook profiles). The dynamics of changes in this area is definitely not adequate to the pace ofnew media development. On the basis of preliminary results of further stages of the research, it canalso be concluded that in the vast majority of cases, however, these are non-strategic and non-sys-tematic activities.


