IT-Related Anglicisms in Die Welt and Der Spiegel: A Quantitative Distribution of Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives
Anglicism, German, English, der Spiegel, die Welt, IT, TechnologyAbstract
The main aim of the study is to quantitatively scrutinize the borrowability of IT-related Englishwords in Die Welt and Der Spiegel, as far as the proportion of nouns, verbs, and adjectives is con-cerned. The purpose of this study is to establish the most and the least frequently borrowed partsof speech and arrive at certain general tendencies governing the transfer of the most popular wordclass within the field of IT. The study covers an excerpt from authors’ research on IT-related angli-cisms carried out in 2016, and may serve as a basis for further investigation, since the developmentof ICT will always necessitate new names for concepts. Therefore, it is by all means prudent andinstructive to delve into the rationale behind the way anglicisms permeate into the German language.The study also constitutes a synchronic look at a given stage of the evolution of the German lan-guage.