Corporate Communication in Social Media with the Use of Linkedin
corporate communication, social media, LinkedInAbstract
The article presents the use of social media in the corporate communication processes be-tween the company and the internal and external environment and the role that the relatively newsocial network LinkedIn plays in this act of communication. Secondary data analysis, with the subjectliterature and available research as the source of information, allowed to draw conclusions about thegrowing importance of social media in corporate communication and the significant role that Linke-dIn fulfills in the act of communication with the stakeholders. It seems that along with the growth ofcommunication needs, companies are constantly looking for new, integrated channels of communi-cation with stakeholders, and recently their activities have moved to social media, where Facebookis the leader. Other social media, mainly LinkedIn, are overlooked, which may result in less effectivecorporate communication in social media by the companies.