Self-Presentation of Polish Football Managers on Linkedin


  • Aleksandra Kuzior Uniwersytet Jagielloński


LinkedIn, sport management, self-presentation, personal brand


Although LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site, the research concerningself-presentation on the platform is limited and fragmented. The main goal of the study was to ex-plore the self-presentation of Polish football managers on LinkedIn in four dimensions: completenessand attractiveness of the profile, network-embeddedness, and activity. Using quantitative contentanalysis of managers’ profiles (N=319), the research shows that the managers exploit the potentialof LinkedIn to build their personal professional brand only in a very limited and mostly static way. Inaddition, the self-presentation in LinkedIn is the best among managers working in Polish FootballAssociation, improves with the length of professional experience, and shows only slight differencesbetween women and men.


