The Awareness and Following of Information Security Policies as the Main Rule to Protect Against Threats in Digital Communication Processes. Cybersecurity as the Arena of Modern Warfare


  • Piotr Łuczuk Media expert, publicist, cybersecurity expert. Assistant professor at the Department of Social Communication, Public Relations and New Media at the Institute of Media Education and Journalism at UKSW


cyberspace, cyber security, cyber defense, hacking, trolling, fake news, disinformation, propaganda, ransomware, phishing


Nowadays, due to the benefits of technological development and the spread of the Internet, var-ious threats have started to be recognized. Still, the awareness of society, especially politicians andstate administration in this area is insufficient. This is also evidenced by the fact that initially this topicwas not discussed at all in the scientific and even popular literature. The author of the article poses aquestion: is there, then, an effective method of defense against cyber threats, since their effects canbe so disturbing? According to the author, the key to cyber security is the awareness of users of thedigital communication process, both at the administrative and social levels. 


