The Media, Extremism and Terrorism: An Unintentional Business Relationship


  • Leisa S. McElreath Delta State University.
  • Daniel Adrian Doss Lincoln Memorial University.
  • David Hughes McElreath University of Mississippi
  • Gregg W. Etter University of Central Missouri
  • Ashley Lindsley Southern Illinois University


relationship, media, terrorism


Although the goals of the press and terrorists are not the same, the two groups engage in a mu-tually beneficial relationship that often appears confusing to scholars and the public. Both the pressand the terrorists need and crave the attention of the public. In this paper the authors examine themotives and the methods that the media and the terrorists attempt to achieve their goals. The terror-ists need the attention to create terror and spread their propaganda to further their political causes.The media needs the sensationalism created by the terrorists to attract viewers or readers and topositively effect ratings. The study found that the stories about terrorism increased media ratingswhile unintentionally benefiting the terrorist by publicizing the terrorist cause.


