From Therapy to Technological Enhancement: A Socio-Ethical Perspective


  • Jana Tomašovičová Assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy, Faculty of Arts University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava Slovakia.



biotechnology, neuroenhancement, individual autonomy, equality and fairness, principle ofequal opportunities, principle of equality of capabilities


The classical distinction between the natural and the artificial is gradually losing its originalsharpness. Biotechnology can be used not only for therapeutic purposes but also to enhance humancognitive, emotional, moral, or physical abilities. This article discusses three of the most importantsocio-ethical issues related to the impact of neuroenhancement on individuals and on society. Itclosely examines threats to the principle of autonomy in the case of two selected technologies forneuroenhancement: the Brain – Computer Interface and gene technologies applied to the enhance-ment of other beings. The article also discusses the influence of social pressure on autonomousdecision-making by individuals and whether social pressure is a sufficient reason for not acceptingneuroenhancement. Finally, within the context of many concerns about the widening of social in-equality as the result of the spread of enhancement practices, this article examines whether suchdisparities can be avoided and whether the principle of equal opportunities can be regarded as asufficient criterion of equality.


