Animals in the Anthropocene Epoch. On the Importance of Visual Materials in the Pro-Animal Movement
visual communication, visual messages, pro-animal movement, AnthropoceneAbstract
The article aims to discuss the importance of visual materials in the pro-animal movementin terms of their use in various areas of pro-animal activity, i.e. promotion of a plant-based diet orinvestigative activities. The starting point of the considerations is an outline of the issues related toAnthropocene and anthropocentrism (in the context of the current status of animals), and the char-acteristics of pro-animal activities, undertaken mainly by the third sector. Based on the analysis, it hasbeen shown that visual messages perform an important role in shaping convincing messages, andtherefore constitute an invaluable communication tool in the pro-animal movement. They have botha documentary and informative as well as a persuasive character, which is also illustrated by selectedexamples. In addition, the article emphasizes the role of the media in cooperation with the pro-animalmovement, which is an important element of its communication strategy.