About the Journal

Kielnarowa Review is an open access journal in mathematics and physics dedicated to important issues in these fields. Particular emphasis is placed on presenting high-quality results, especially those that have a clear philosophical undertone. Reviews, comments, work reports will also be considered. The material, always of the high quality, should be in English, occasionally in other languages, and not submitted and under consideration elsewhere.

The special interest, but not limited to, is in:

  • mathematics of quantum mechanics with its interpretations, logic, set theory, algebras,
  • quantum and mathematical aspects of general relativity,
  • cosmology, its theoretical and observational aspects,
  • computing and quantum information,
  • mathematics of conscious automata versus human consciousness,
  • category theory and its applications to physics, but also
  • works on philosophy and history of science, especially if they adopt the perspective "from inside science".

Every issue of Kielnarowa Review may also contain a single paper devoted to the problems such as green energy, health food, climate change… These topics are crucial for human beings and the future of our planet. This paper is in general by the invitation from the Editorial Board, however, interesting outer proposals can also be considered.

Kielnarowa Review was established, on the initiative of Michał Heller, during the Mathematical Encounter on the campus of the University of Information, Technology and Management (UITM) in Kielnarowa near Rzeszów in September 2023. The project was accepted and gained extensive support from the UITM authorities. Originally, Kielnarowa Review was intended as a platform presenting the work of participants of the Mathematical Encounters in Kielnarowa, however, the project is now open for outer submissions as well.