Submit an Article

The editors at Financial Internet Quarterly only accept manuscripts in English. Preferred article length is between 30,000 and 35,000 characters (including footnotes and spaces). Articles should be prepared using the format supplied (Sample_paper). We also require that citations and bibliographies are done according to the standards defined by the American Psychological Association (download citation style). Articles submitted without adhering to these rules will be returned for correction. This journal does not charge Article Processing Charges (APC).

With regard to the nature of the double-blind peer review process, manuscripts should be submitted in one version: with all identifying data removed.

The abstract should include: an indication of the topic of the article; the research questions discussed in the article; methods and tools used to answer the research questions; results of the analyses; conclusions as to the obtained results and for whom they are or may be important.

All charts, using in manuscripts, should be submitted in separate files (save as PNG or JPG), in editable form.

The authors who are planning to submit the manuscript are asked to register an account which is part of electronic system of recruitment and reviewing articles.

All manuscripts initially accepted by the section editor are double-blind peer review retaining the anonymity of the author and reviewer.

Responsibility for the views presented in an manuscript is solely that of the author.

The authors of submitted manuscripts are obligated to provide information in an e-mail on the financing of the publication and any contribution made by various types of institutions to the manuscript.

Authors of collective manuscripts are additionally obligated to provide an e-mail on the contributions of each author (percentage-wise) and a short description of each contribution (who is the originator of the concept, the applied research methods, who carried out the study, etc.). These requirements are necessary to eliminate “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” which do not have any place in academically sound research. All instances of such practices and other infringements will be brought to light and documented by the editors and the appropriate institutions and entities will be notified.